Filling materials
Filling materials are not our speciality. Unfortunately we can not achieve a best price and a more direct purchase in good quality filling materials.
We will only distribute a filling or endodontic material wich we also let put in our mouth. We won't force on you an asian material just because it is cheap and dispose of CE conformity, but in Europe its long-term caracteristics were not tested seriously. We would like to protect the health of patients.
I beg you to be responsible consumers and economize on yourself (e.g. Cheaper but not inferior quality mask, gloves, applicator, mixing tip, needle, syringe etc.), more reasonably (e.g. Don't store unnecessarily, don't buy unnecessary appliances, take in account the maintainance costs of appliance that you wish to buy etc.) and not at the expense of patients (material of poor quality used in the mouth of patient)!
Many costumers are looking for filling materials of the best price in the world, but I regret to inform you that we can only distribute dental materials for wich threre is not a significant difference in the quality comparing to those of manufacturer of great fame.
Most of our end-of-life products were purchased for costumers who changed their mind and returned them.
DENU Fil Flow , flowable, temporary filling material, 5x1.2ml (2g) + 10 cannulas