Length: 21 mm
Material: stainless steel
Indication: removal of nervous tissue from root canal
Package: 10 pcs of files, variously in one pack
The kit contains: 1 pc purple, 1pc white, 2 pc yellow, 2 pc red, 2 pc blue, 1 pc green, 1 pc black file
It has been a problem for years that dentists were using the color-coded system and scaling of endodontic files for this item too - wich is not always true - that is why we don't mark it with a number, but with a color!
Look at the following table, and it will be clear:
Size of the ending of endodontic files its color Size of the ending of barbed broaches Size number
0,1 mm purple 0,2 mm 0#
0,15 mm white 0,25 mm 1#
0,2 mm yellow 0,3 mm 2#
0,25 mm red 0,35 mm 3#
0,3 mm blue 0,4 mm 4#
0,35 mm green 0,5 mm 5#
0,4 mm black 0,6 mm 6#