Gyógyászati Eszköz
TOR - ROPPANTÓGYŰRŰS FÉM DOMBORÍTOTT MATRICA, molarisokhoz és premolárisokhoz. 5. tipus, 0,035mm, 5-5 DB
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TOR - ROPPANTÓGYŰRŰS FÉM DOMBORÍTOTT MATRICA, molárisokhoz. 1-5. tipus, 0,035mm, 16 DB
Néhány héten belül elérhető
EUR 7.67
TOR - ROPPANTÓGYŰRŰS FÉM DOMBORÍTOTT MATRICA, premolárisokhoz. 1-5. tipus, 0,035mm, 16 DB
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Transparent Contoured Matrices Combined with Clamp, for molars, 10 pcs
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Transparent Contoured Matrices Combined with Clamp, for molars, 16 pcs, No.1- 4.
Last 3 pc in stock
Transparent Contoured Matrices Combined with Clamp, for premolars and molars, 32 pcs, No.1- 4.
Last 1 pc in stock
Transparent Contoured Matrices Combined with Clamp, for premolars, 10 pcs
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Transparent Contoured Matrices Combined with Clamp, for premolars, 16 pcs, No.1- 4.
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Transparent Contoured MatricesTransparent for molars, 4x15 pcs, No. 1.- 4.
Last 2 pc in stock
Transparent Contoured MatricesTransparent for pre- and molars, 8x15 pcs, No. 1.- 4.
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Transparent Contoured MatricesTransparent for premolars, 4x15 pcs, No. 1.- 4.
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Transparent Crowns for approximal surface of medium and larga incisors and canines, 18 pcs
Last 1 pc in stock
Transparent Crowns for approximal surface of small and medium incisors and canines, 17 pcs
Last 2 pc in stock
Transparent Crowns for Coronal part of incisors, canines and premolars 12 pcs
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UDS-L-LED -mobil asztali depurátor, fénnyel, 2 kézidarabbal, 8 titán heggyel - (available only in Hungary)
Last 3 pc in stock
EUR 330.32
UDS-L-LED -mobil asztali depurátor, fénnyel, 2 kézidarabbal, 8 titán heggyel - (available only in Hungary)
Last 3 pc in stock
EUR 312.57