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Paltop Implant Surfaces

The success of dental implants is based on a process known as osseointegration, which occurs when bone cells attach themselves directly to the titanium surface, essentially locking the implant into the jaw bone. The osseointegration rate of titanium dental implants is associated with their composition and surface morphology. Rough-surfaced implants favor both bone anchoring and biomechanical stability.

PALTOP® implants are treated with state of the art surface treatment procedure. This treatment creates macro, micro and nano surface structure, enlarging the Bone to Implant Contact (BIC), thus enabling fast osseointegration and early restoration. PALTOP’s surfaces promote bone healing leading to the rapid biological fixation of the implant.
PALTOP® Surface Treatment
For fast and robust osseointegration, the PALTOP implants are treated with state of the art surface treatment procedure. PALTOP’s surface treatment, consisting of sand-blasting, acid etching and extensive cleaning, achieves desirable outcome of highly cleaned and safe implant surface with ideal morphology for accelerated integration.
Rough Surfaces
PALTOP’s surface treatment processes of sand blasting followed by acid etching increases numerously the outer envelope area of Implants, therefore enlarging the bone-implant interface area. PALTOP’s high performance surface treatment process creates macro, micro and nano surface structure, ideal topography for osseointegration. The derived surface morphology promotes initial stability and long term bone healing.
Clean Surfaces

The success and safety of dental implants is very much influenced by the surface composition. PALTOP’s multi-stage extensive cleaning process removes undesired residues deriving from processing, yielding contamination-free surface. PALTOP’s cleaning process generates stable titanium-oxide layer that chemically stabilizes the implant surface. The layer’s optimal thickness, of 3-4 nm, attracts body fluids without concealing surface morphology, thus promoting bone healing.

Surface Analysis BY XPS
The purpose of the surface analysis by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) to assess the PALTOP implant surface in order to verify that any substances used in the process have been washed from the surface and no undesirable particles remained.
PALTOP implants XPS examination was performed in Solid State Physics Institute, Technion research and development foundation of Israel. PALTOP Implants were compared to international leading competitor as reference.

The method of analysis is based on X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). For surface analysis, the samples were irradiated with monochromatic X-rays. Survey spectra were recorded with a pass energy of 150eV, from which the surface chemical composition was determined. The atomic concentrations were calculated using elemental sensitivity factors without applying any standardization procedure. The core level binding energies of the different peaks were normalized by setting the binding energy for the C1s at 285.0eV.

For chemical state identification of Ti, high-energy resolution measurements of the Ti2p line were performed with a pass energy of 50eV. Using the Ti2p spectrum, the Ti oxide layer thickness can be calculated from the experimental Ti oxide and Ti metal peak ratio.
Examination was performed in the two randomly chosen areas. The results of elemental quantitative analysis and Ti oxide layer thicknesses are summarized bellow:
As can be seen from the above results, the undesirable contaminations that may be related to water residuals and processing remains such as Ca, N, Zn, Na P, S, Cl, and Si are absent or very low for PALTOP dental implants and nearly absolutely lower than the results obtained for leading competitor implants. The Carbon layer that may be associated with processing detergents lies well below the acceptance level of 40%.
It can be concluded that PALTOP’s surfaces with regards to undesirable contaminations are clean and safe for use.