Celluloid (transzparens) matricák
Celluloidcsík tekercses, 15 méter hosszú, 9,5 mm széles, 0,05 mm vastag
In stock
EUR 2.79
(EUR 2.79 + VAT)
DENU Dam, folyékony kofferdam, ínyvédő, 1,2 ml (2g) + 2 kanül - (available only in Hungary)
In stock
EUR 0.82
(EUR 0.82 + VAT)
Kontúrozott, anterior matrica, M8, frontfogakhoz, átlátszó, kék, 50 mikron, 50 db/doboz
In stock
EUR 13.38
(EUR 13.38 + VAT)
Transparent Contoured Matrices Combined with Clamp, for molars, 10 pcs
In stock
from EUR 2.24
(EUR 2.24 + VAT)
Transparent Contoured Matrices Combined with Clamp, for molars, 16 pcs, No.1- 4.
Last 3 pc in stock
EUR 5.49
(EUR 5.49 + VAT)
Transparent Contoured Matrices Combined with Clamp, for premolars and molars, 32 pcs, No.1- 4.
Last 1 pc in stock
EUR 9.47
(EUR 9.47 + VAT)
Transparent Contoured Matrices Combined with Clamp, for premolars, 10 pcs
In stock
EUR 2.24
(EUR 2.24 + VAT)
Transparent Contoured Matrices Combined with Clamp, for premolars, 16 pcs, No.1- 4.
In stock
EUR 5.43
(EUR 5.43 + VAT)
Transparent Contoured MatricesTransparent for molars, 4x15 pcs, No. 1.- 4.
Last 2 pc in stock
EUR 5.96
(EUR 5.96 + VAT)
Transparent Contoured MatricesTransparent for pre- and molars, 8x15 pcs, No. 1.- 4.
In stock
EUR 11.62
(EUR 11.62 + VAT)
Transparent Contoured MatricesTransparent for premolars, 4x15 pcs, No. 1.- 4.
In stock
EUR 5.96
(EUR 5.96 + VAT)