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Impression Tray, plastic, blue, with perforations and  grips, 1pc - in several sizes

Impression Tray, plastic, blue, with perforations and grips, 1pc - in several sizes

Model: 1A5900-1es-f
Availability: In stock
Average Rating: (6)
Please select the size: Model: Name: Availability: Price: Add to cart
#1 - Entire, Up L
Impression Tray, plastic, blue, in different sizes, 1pc
In stock
EUR 0.34 (EUR 0.34 + VAT)
Qty:pcAdd to cart
#3 - Entire, Up M (#3)
Impression Tray, plastic, blue, with perforations and grips, entire, Up M #3, 1pc
In stock
EUR 0.34 (EUR 0.34 + VAT)
Qty:pcAdd to cart
#5 - Entire, Up S (#5)
Impression Tray, plastic, blue, with perforations and grips, entire, Up S #5, 1pc
In stock
EUR 0.18 (EUR 0.18 + VAT)
Qty:pcAdd to cart
Entire, Low L (#2)
Impression Tray, plastic, blue, with perforations and grips, entire, Low L #2, 1pc
In stock
EUR 0.34 (EUR 0.34 + VAT)
Qty:pcAdd to cart
Entire, Low M (#4)
Impression Tray, plastic, blue, with perforations and grips, entire, Low M #3, 1pc
In stock
EUR 0.34 (EUR 0.34 + VAT)
Qty:pcAdd to cart
Entire, Low S (#6)
Impression Tray, plastic, blue, with perforations and grips, entire, Low S #6, 1pc
In stock
EUR 0.34 (EUR 0.34 + VAT)
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Half: Low left/ Up right (#7)
Impression Tray, plastic, blue, with perforations and grips, half: low left/up right, 1pc
In stock
EUR 0.19 (EUR 0.19 + VAT)
Qty:pcAdd to cart
Half: Up left/ Low right (#8)
Impression Tray, plastic, blue, with perforations and grips, half: up left/low right, 1pc
In stock
EUR 0.34 (EUR 0.34 + VAT)
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Partial, Frontal (#9)
Impression Tray, plastic, blue, with perforations and grips, partial, frontal #9, 1pc
In stock
EUR 0.28 (EUR 0.28 + VAT)
Qty:pcAdd to cart


Impression Tray, plastic, blue, system of holes and perforations, with grips, in different sizes, 1pc

Product features:


  • colour blue

  • plastic

  • with perforations

  • disposable

  • tray with grips

  • available in 9 types (Please select it from the drop-down menu!)


It is very similar to Miratray trays, only the colour is different (blue) and the price is more favourable!


6 rating
Write a review!
26/12/2022 -
Először picit aggódtam, hogy milyen lenyomatkanalakat kaphatok ilyen kevés pénzért - de nagyon kellemesen csalódtam. "S" méretű kanálra volt szükségem, ezek méretre pont megfelelőek, viszonylag masszív anyagúak és jó a fogásuk. Jó velük dolgozni. Abszolút megérte ennyi pénzárt!
13/09/2021 -
Jó minőségü lenyomatkanál nagyon jó áron
05/12/2014 -
Nagyon jó kialakítású és olcsó.
14/07/2014 -
szuper ez a maxter kesztyű és az ára is nagyon jó
09/07/2014 -
Kiváló minőség, remek áron!!!
06/07/2014 -
nagyon bevált, és nagyon olcsó mindenkinek ajánlom