Our intraoral xxs tip can be attached in order to achieve an easier and deeper application of the substance used.
This mixing tip can be used with the following syringes:
- Apexit plus (Ivoclar Vivadent)
- AH plus jet (Dentsply)
- Permaplast build up (MW)
- Gradia core (GC)
- G-cem automix (GC)
- Integrity temp grip (Dentsply)
- Provicol QM (VOCO)
- Rebilda dc qm 10g fecskendő (VOCO)
- Roekoseal automix (Colténe)
- Temp bond clear és NE automix (Kerr)
- Smartcem2 (Dentsply)
- NX3 (Kerr)
- 2seal easymix (VDW)
- PermaCem 2.0 (DMG)
- Tempocem NE Smartmix (DMG)
- Zone (Dux Dental)
- Telio CS Link ( Ivoclar Vivadent)
- Telio CS Cem Implant (Ivoclar vivadent)
- Temposil 2 (Colténe)
- Paracore (Colténe)
- Grandio Core (VOCO)
- Luxacore Smartmix dual (DMG)
- Perma Evolution (Becht)
- Systemp Link (Ivoclar Vivadent)
- Multilnk automix és Implant ( Ivoclar Vivadent)
- Speedcem (Ivoclar Vivadent)
- Multicore flow (Ivoclar Vivadent)
- Build-it (Pentron)
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