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LED Light Bulb, for Kavo coupler and microengine, aftermarket
EUR 10.35 (EUR 10.35 + VAT)

LED Light Bulb, for Kavo coupler and microengine, aftermarket

EUR 10.35 (EUR 10.35 + VAT)
Model: CX261-3
Availability: In stock
Average Rating: Not Rated



We list just the most important differences over against the halogens:


  • The life expectancy of the item is 10 000 hours, which means that you do not need to change it for 30 years!

  • Stronger intensity of the light results in a better sight!

  • A different kind of spectrum of the light: your eyes need to get used to the new colours in a couple of weeks, but it is worths it!

  • The price is only double, so you can win a lot during the years, as you can use it for 10 times longer as the halogens. 



(I have not been able to use a halogen for 1000 hours, but for 2 years I have been using only LEDs in my coupler and microengine!)  smiley ... Shift+R javítja ennek a képnek a minőségét. Shift+A javítja az oldal összes képének minőségét.


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